Each day this week, I’m going to give you some tips to help you to be positive and keep positive. To keep a positive mindset is hard and being negative is easier. But learning how to stay positive even in the midst of difficult times (yes, like now with the Pandemic!) is invaluable in leading a happy and healthy lifestyle.
And just one small step at a time will help you to get onto and stay on the positivity ladder.
Download our weekly Mood Tracker below (5 sheets) and starting on Monday track what you eat, how much water you are drinking, what exercise you are having, what your moods are like and are you having enough ‘me time’?
Fill in your MANTRA for the week (on Chart 5) – how about this one? “I am a healthy, happy, positive person.” Repeat every day to yourself several times and out loud.
Fill in what you would like to achieve this week (on Chart 5) – could be that you want to do 5,000 steps every day or spring clean the house or eat healthily – whatever will make you feel more positive and as I said before, it only needs to be one small step …… even just walking around your garden each day.
And at the end of the week, on Chart 5, fill in 3 things that you have been grateful for this week……
There will be more tips to help you to be positive and stay positive each day for one week from Monday, 28th September on our Facebook page and our Instagram page – please like, follow and join us on this journey!