Alcoholism can and usually does have a significant effect on family and friends

The most recent statistics show that nearly 30 million drink alcohol each week. That’s more than half of the adult population. One in four of us regularly drinks more than the recommended 14 units of alcohol per week.

Alcoholism has a huge emotional and psychological impact on family and friends as they experience high levels of stress and worry about the wellbeing of their loved one.  In addition, there is anxiety and fear around the unpredictable behaviour and potential consequences of alcohol abuse.  And family members often develop co-dependent behaviours, where they enable or cover up for the person with the alcohol problem, sacrificing their own needs and well-being in the process. 

Repeated instances of alcohol abuse, lying, or broken promises can erode trust within relationships and the person with the alcohol problem may deny or minimize their problem, leading to strained relationships.

In addition, alcoholism can result in financial strain due to the cost of alcohol itself, potentially related expenses, such as medical bills, legal issues and loss of income.  Difficulties at work may be experienced, leading to job loss or decreased earning potential, which can impact the financial stability of the family or relationship.

Often people with severe alcohol problems may withdraw from social interactions, leading to feelings of loneliness and isolation for family and friends.  Plus alcoholism can cause the individual to prioritize alcohol over their relationships, resulting in neglect and emotional distance.

And of course, there are physical health consequences as alcoholism can lead to various health problems, affecting not only the individual but also their loved ones who may worry about their well-being.  The impaired judgement and coordination association with alcohol abuse can lead to risky behaviours and accidents, posing potential harm to the alcoholic and those around them.

What about the effects of alcoholism on family and friends?

All of these impacts can have an immense effect on those closest to them.  What is important to understand is that the person dependant on alcohol is unlikely to stop drinking unless they recognize their behaviour themselves and want to make changes.  So for family and friends, it does have a huge emotional and psychological impact as well as feelings of immense frustration.  It is important that family and friends they look after their own health and wellbeing to help them to cope themselves with any of the consequences.

How can hypnotherapy help?

Hypnotherapy is a great way of helping family and friends to firstly understand how the brain works in relation to both alcoholism and their own anxiety and stress.  And then by helping with calming and relaxation techniques through both talking therapy and hypnosis.

Hypnotherapy can also be a complementary option to help those with a drinking problem. 

Alcohol tends to be a coping mechanism.  Hypnotherapy can help to:

  • Identify any problem thoughts, behaviours, or emotional associations
  • Deal with underlying emotional issues that may affect the drinking
  • Break negative or automatic drinking habits, improve sleep patterns and reduce or remove cravings.

For more information or to book an initial consultation, email info@jofisherhypnotherapy or call 07904 500307